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Sample code for BiCGSTAB - Fortran 90

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        !       REFERENCE :                                                                     !
        !       The Improved BiCGStab Method for Large and Sparse Unsymmetric Linear            !
        !       Systems on Parallel Distributed Memory Architectures; Yang et. al.              !
        !                                                                                       !
        !       NOTE:                                                                           !
        !       This is the classic version of BICGStab. Stopping criteria of these code        !
        !       needs additional treatment to avoid/detect failure condition!                   !
        !       This code is tested with gFortran 5.01                                          !
        !       (C) Biswa                                                                       !

module BiCGStab_mod
    implicit none

    integer (kind=2 ), parameter    :: sp = kind(1.000)
    integer (kind=2 ), parameter    :: dp = kind(1.0d0)
    integer (kind=2 ), parameter    :: qp = kind(1.0q0)
    integer (kind=2 ), parameter    :: wp = dp         ! can be changed to "qp" to get quad precision.

    function BiCGStab(A,b) result(x)
        implicit none

!--------------------------PARAMETER AND VARIABLE-------------------------------!
        real    (kind=wp), intent(in )                   :: A (:,:)
        real    (kind=wp), intent(in )                   :: b ( : )
        real    (kind=wp), dimension(1:size(b, dim=1))   :: x

        real    (kind=wp), dimension(1:size(b, dim=1))   :: r, rs, v, p, s, t
        real    (kind=wp), parameter                     :: e = 1d-33
        real    (kind=wp)                                :: rho      , rho_prev
        real    (kind=wp)                                :: alpha    , omega   , beta
        real    (kind=wp)                                :: norm_r   , norm_b       
        real    (kind=wp)                                :: summesion, temp

        integer (kind=sp)                                :: it=0,err
!------------------------END PARAMETER AND VARIABLE-----------------------------!  

        if(size(A, dim=1) /= size(A, dim=2)) stop &
        "Error: Improper dimension of matrix A in BiCGStab."

        x  = 0.0_wp                                     !-------> INITIAL GUESS
        r  = b - matmul(A,x)                            !-------> LINE 1
        rs = r                                          !
        rho   = 1.0_wp; alpha = 1.0_wp; omega = 1.0_wp  !-------> LINE 2
        v  = 0.0_wp; p  = 0.0_wp                        !-------> LINE 3
!                                                       !
        norm_r = sqrt(dot_product(r,r))                 !
        norm_b = sqrt(dot_product(b,b))                 !

        do while(norm_r .GT. e*norm_b)                          !-------> START OF LOOP

            rho_prev = rho                                      !-------> LINE 5
            rho      = dot_product(rs,r)                        !
            beta     = (rho/rho_prev) * (alpha/omega)           !-------> LINE 6
            p        = r + beta * (p - omega*v)                 !-------> LINE 7
            v        = matmul(A,p)                              !-------> LINE 8
            alpha    = rho/dot_product(rs,v)                    !-------> LINE 9
            s        = r - alpha*v                              !-------> LINE 10
            t        = matmul(A,s)                              !-------> LINE 11
            omega    = dot_product(t,s)/dot_product(t,t)        !-------> LINE 12
            x        = x + alpha*p + omega*s                    !-------> LINE 13
            r        = s - omega*t                              !-------> LINE 17
            norm_r   = sqrt(dot_product(r,r))                   !
            norm_b   = sqrt(dot_product(b,b))                   !
            it = it + 1                                         !

        end do                                                      !-------> END OF LOOP

        print*, "Iteration Required :", it

end function BiCGStab     

end module BiCGStab_mod

program main
    use BiCGStab_mod
    implicit none

    integer (kind=sp), parameter             :: m=4, n=4
    real    (kind=wp), dimension(1:m,1:n)    :: A
    real    (kind=wp), dimension(1:m    )    :: x_calculated,x_actual,b

!-----------------------------A,b DEFINATION--------------------------------!
    A       (1,:) = [ 1.0_wp, 1.0_wp, 1.0_wp, 1.0_wp] ![x(1)] = b(1) |
    A       (2,:) = [ 2.0_wp, 3.0_wp, 1.0_wp, 1.0_wp] ![x(2)] = b(2) |---> [A]{x}={b}
    A       (3,:) = [ 3.0_wp, 4.0_wp, 1.0_wp, 1.0_wp] ![x(3)] = b(3) |
    A       (4,:) = [ 3.0_wp, 4.0_wp, 1.0_wp, 2.0_wp] ![x(4)] = b(4) |

    x_actual( : ) = [ 5.0_wp, 8.0_wp,10.0_wp,12.0_wp]

!   settting b = Ax
    b = matmul(A,x_actual)
!---------------------------END A,b DEFINATION------------------------------!

!----------CALL BiCGStab func-----------!
!                                       !
    x_calculated = BiCGStab(A,b)        !
!                                       !

    print*, "analytical solution =", x_actual
    print*, "computed   solution =", x_calculated
    print*, "Error in computed solution =", abs(x_actual-x_calculated)/x_actual

end program main

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