CFD Jobs Database - Job Record #19532
Job Record #19532 |
Title | Postdoc / Ph.D. Position in Data-Driven Modeling of Turbulence |
Category | Job in Academia |
Employer | Institute of Aerospace Thermodynamics, University of Stuttgart |
Location | Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart |
International | Yes, international applications are welcome |
Closure Date | Saturday, February 15, 2025 |
Description: |
The “Data-Driven Fluid Dynamics” group (ITLR, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
and Geodesy, University of Stuttgart), led by Prof. Heng Xiao, invites
applications for a full-time research position as a Postdoctoral Researcher or
Ph.D. Student (EG 13 TV-L).
The "Data-Driven Fluid Dynamics" group operates at the forefront of fluid
dynamics, data science, and high-performance computing. Our mission is to
develop cutting-edge, data-driven methods to address technically demanding and
socially impactful challenges in computational fluid dynamics. We leverage
machine learning and data assimilation to enhance understanding and improve
predictions of multi-scale physical systems in fluid flows. Examples include
aerodynamic turbulent flows, laminar-turbulent transitions, and granular and
particle-laden flows. Further details about our research can be found on our
website (
We are seeking a motivated postdoctoral researcher or Ph.D. student to
contribute to a DFG-funded (German Research Foundation) project focused on
developing coupled data-driven turbulence and heat-flux models. This research
has potential applications in film cooling for high-pressure turbines. The
project is a collaborative effort between Prof. Heng Xiao (University of
Stuttgart) and Prof. Solkeun Jee (Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology,
South Korea). The position is initially limited to three years, with the
possibility of renewal for up to six years, subject to mutual agreement and in
accordance with university regulations.
Contact Information: |
Please mention the CFD Jobs Database, record #19532 when responding to this ad. |
Name | Prof. Heng Xiao |
Email | |
Email Application | Yes |
URL | |
Address | Universitätsstraße 32, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany |
Record Data: |
Last Modified | 15:48:09, Sunday, January 12, 2025 |
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