Image Reconstruction Based on CFD Data in Paraview
M2 Internship (January - February 2025, 6 months)
In the context of the French ANR project SimBI ("Simulation-based Imaging for
Two-Phase Flows"), an internship position is open for a Master 2 student
starting from January or February 2025, for a duration of 6 months.
The goal of this internship is to adapt optical reconstruction techniques, based
on ray tracing, already available in Paraview (a widely used software for CFD
postprocessing) to simulate real optical diagnostics for flow measurement.
Specifically, the internship will focus on shadowgraphy image reconstruction for
simple interfacial flows, such as droplets and cylindrical liquid jets.
Although ray tracing and optical theory for image reconstruction are already
developed at the CORIA lab using in-house code, the aim is to integrate this
with Paraview’s framework. The ultimate goal is to create a dedicated plugin
capable of imaging liquid-gas flows with interfaces, mimicking a real
experimental setup. The results will then be made widely available under an
open-source license.
Optical reconstruction will be compared to real experimental data already
available at the lab. The project’s developments are based on open-source
coding, facilitating broad dissemination and contributing to the improvement of
comparisons between CFD simulations and experimental imagery.
Duration: 6 months, with the possibility of continuing into a PhD, depending on
the success of the internship.
Host team: The thesis will be carried out at the CORIA laboratory, within the
TASC and DOL departments. You will work with a team of around ten people
specializing in numerical simulation and optics.
Experience acquired during the project:
• Coding (primarily Python)
• Optical reconstruction and optical diagnostics
• Numerical simulation of flows (CFD – Computational Fluid Dynamics)
• International work experience
Career opportunities after the internship:
• Possibility to apply for a PhD (funding already available) in the same
project or in CFD or optics
• Opportunities in industry, particularly in engineering, research and
development departments, or fields involving numerical flow simulations, such as
aeronautics, automotive, energy, and more.
Salary: In France, Master 2 students typically receive a net stipend of around
€600 per month during their internship.
Working language: English in the professional environment
Profile required:
• Master 2 student with programming skills, particularly in Python, and a
strong interest in coding
• Knowledge of one or more of the following areas is a plus: optics, fluid
mechanics, image processing