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Hypersonic simulation capability

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Old   July 11, 2014, 15:18
Default Hypersonic simulation capability
New Member
Pranav Gujar
Join Date: Feb 2010
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Hi All

I am trying to simulate flow over air vehicle at M = 12. Assumption of continuum is valid for this case. But, I am expecting temperatures upto 2200K and hence expect molecular vibrations and possibly O2 dissociation.

Is it possible to simulate these phenomena using SU2? If yes which solver I should use? Has the Navier Stokes solver been implemented for Real Gases. If not, then what sort of insight can be gained using SU2 and which options I shall explore for that?

Are there any tutorials on SU2 which I can try out?

Also, would appreciate your experiences if someone has simulated hypersonic flows using SU2?

Thanks in advance for your inputs!
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Old   July 12, 2014, 14:45
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Heather Kline
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Originally Posted by pranav View Post
Hi All

I am trying to simulate flow over air vehicle at M = 12. Assumption of continuum is valid for this case. But, I am expecting temperatures upto 2200K and hence expect molecular vibrations and possibly O2 dissociation.

Is it possible to simulate these phenomena using SU2? If yes which solver I should use? Has the Navier Stokes solver been implemented for Real Gases. If not, then what sort of insight can be gained using SU2 and which options I shall explore for that?

Are there any tutorials on SU2 which I can try out?

Also, would appreciate your experiences if someone has simulated hypersonic flows using SU2?

Thanks in advance for your inputs!
Thank you for your interest in su2.
The tutorials available are at
There are not currently any nonequilibrium tutorials, however this will take you through the usage of su2.

A thermochemical nonequilibrium test case is included under Testcases/tne2/ for Mach 23.9

The NAVIER_STOKES solver does not include the effects you referred to, however thermochemical nonequilibrium effects are included in the TNE2_NAVIER_STOKES and TNE_EULER solvers. If you would like to implement anything that is not currently handled by the code please feel free to get the source code from github.
For more information, the latest V&V paper on su2 is posted at
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Old   July 13, 2014, 14:07
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Pranav Gujar
Join Date: Feb 2010
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Thanks for the information Heather!

For my case, I feel that the flow will be in equilibrium as temperatures are not extremely high. Can I still use Thermodynamic non equilibrium solver or is there any other solver as well in SU2 for solving mixture of gases in chemical equilibrium (local thermal equilibrium)? This will save some compute time. I could not find any detail on the SU2 website for the same. Would like to know if you have any information regarding this. Also, I am new to such type of problems, and would appreciate if you have any advice based on your experience of such simulations.

Meanwhile, I have downloaded SU2v3.2 and the related test cases. I could find the test case for TNE Euler computations. In the input file, input parameters are specified for both FLOW NUMERICAL METHOD DEFINITION and TNE FLOW NUMERICAL METHOD DEFINITION. Is the input required for both or only TNE FLOW NUMERICAL METHOD DEFINITION?

Also, would like to know if all the turbulence models are supported for TNE NS solver?

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