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Real use case tutorial request

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Old   June 26, 2014, 10:57
Default Real use case tutorial request
Join Date: May 2014
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hedley is on a distinguished road
Many General Aviation pilots have a need to establish the lift distribution on the wings My foray into CFD has been to try and ascertain the lift distribution and then modify the wingtip 3D model - perhaps honer and outboard airfoil section to improve low speed handling and reduce induced drag . The second task is to look at the flow to determine the optimum position for stall strips on a laminar flow wing .

All of this happens between 70 KTS and 200 KTS.

I have been told by test pilots and wind tunnel folk that CFD is a mathematical attempt to simulate nature and requires an excellent Mesh flow field before the solver can crunch the numbers . They recommend switching off the computer as in their opinion CFD near the stall and turbulent simulation and analysis is years off ? There advice is go and fly the plane with tufts and then rinse and repeat .

Are there any plans to do an A-Z tutorial from the 3D model --> Mesh generation --> solver --> Paraview results and interpretation thereof. This would be a really useful resource to the community and could be used in university courses . Neophytes like me have cursory knowledge of the toolchain but know what we are trying to get out at the end . Often the experts assume a certain expertise level , which is understandable but a step by step tutorial which details the considerations and choices at each waypoint in the process would be great .

I do apologize for all my posts but they are all aimed at achieving this end point . Yes Paraview has its own forum as does point-wise but I can not find the A-Z of a project from conception to interpretation of the output . connecting the dots in the toolchain is really challenging as most of the projects seem to be at high mach numbers .
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Old   June 26, 2014, 16:24
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Pay D.
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The only thing that I can suggest you is reading the following book and making CFD-based simulation experiences for yourself. Other fellow might have any other useful suggestions, links, or lectures.

Good Luck,
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Old   June 26, 2014, 16:57
Trent Lukaczyk
Join Date: Feb 2011
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rktchip is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by hedley View Post
Are there any plans to do an A-Z tutorial from the 3D model --> Mesh generation --> solver --> Paraview results and interpretation thereof.
Hey Hedley,
Yeah there are plans for an example around this tool chain. Stay tuned around the end of the summer.
- Trent
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