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Parallel and Partition issue.

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Old   June 18, 2014, 12:31
Unhappy Parallel and Partition issue.
Antoni Alexander
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 43
Rep Power: 17
zkdkeen is on a distinguished road
Dear SU2 users and developers,
I have just installed SU2 v3.2.0 on unbuntu. When I try to run parallel example, I found the SU2_PRT does nothing but only reading grid, twice. I think there should be a metis work during the grid partition, and several sub-grid files after the grid partition, but it does nothing and yields nothing. Why? Is there anything wrong with my installation? or other reason? Any answers will be appreciated. Here is the message.
$ mpirun -n 2 SU2_PRT inv_ONERAM6.cfg 
|    _____   _    _   ___                                               |
|   / ____| | |  | | |__ \    Web:                     |
|  | (___   | |  | |    ) |   Twitter: @su2code                         |
|   \___ \  | |  | |   / /    Forum:     |
|   ____) | | |__| |  / /_                                              |
|  |_____/   \____/  |____|   Suite (Grid Partitioning Code)            |
|                             Release 3.2.0 "eagle"                     |
| SU2, Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Aerospace Design Laboratory (ADL).       |
| SU2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                |
| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        |
| Lesser General Public License (version 2.1) for more details.         |

------------------------ Physical case definition -----------------------
Input mesh file name: mesh_ONERAM6_inv.su2

-------------------------- Output information ---------------------------
Don't visualize the partitions. 

------------------- Config file boundary information --------------------
Euler wall boundary marker(s): UPPER_SIDE, LOWER_SIDE, TIP.
Far-field boundary marker(s): XNORMAL_FACES, ZNORMAL_FACES, YNORMAL_FACE.
Symmetry plane boundary marker(s): SYMMETRY_FACE.

---------------------- Read grid file information -----------------------
Three dimensional problem.
582752 interior elements. 

|    _____   _    _   ___                                               |
|   / ____| | |  | | |__ \    Web:                     |
|  | (___   | |  | |    ) |   Twitter: @su2code                         |
|   \___ \  | |  | |   / /    Forum:     |
|   ____) | | |__| |  / /_                                              |
|  |_____/   \____/  |____|   Suite (Grid Partitioning Code)            |
|                             Release 3.2.0 "eagle"                     |
| SU2, Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Aerospace Design Laboratory (ADL).       |
| SU2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                |
| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        |
| Lesser General Public License (version 2.1) for more details.         |

------------------------ Physical case definition -----------------------
Input mesh file name: mesh_ONERAM6_inv.su2

-------------------------- Output information ---------------------------
Don't visualize the partitions. 

------------------- Config file boundary information --------------------
Euler wall boundary marker(s): UPPER_SIDE, LOWER_SIDE, TIP.
Far-field boundary marker(s): XNORMAL_FACES, ZNORMAL_FACES, YNORMAL_FACE.
Symmetry plane boundary marker(s): SYMMETRY_FACE.

---------------------- Read grid file information -----------------------
Three dimensional problem.
582752 interior elements. 
582752 tetrahedra.
108396 points.
582752 tetrahedra.
108396 points.
7 surface markers.
17284 boundary elements in index 0 (Marker = LOWER_SIDE).
7 surface markers.
17284 boundary elements in index 0 (Marker = LOWER_SIDE).
2597 boundary elements in index 1 (Marker = TIP).
16573 boundary elements in index 2 (Marker = UPPER_SIDE).
2597 boundary elements in index 1 (Marker = TIP).
16573 boundary elements in index 2 (Marker = UPPER_SIDE).
173 boundary elements in index 3 (Marker = XNORMAL_FACES).
142 boundary elements in index 4 (Marker = ZNORMAL_FACES).
153 boundary elements in index 5 (Marker = YNORMAL_FACE).
1834 boundary elements in index 6 (Marker = SYMMETRY_FACE).

Completed in 0.000001 seconds on 1 core.

------------------------- Exit Success (SU2_PRT) ------------------------

173 boundary elements in index 3 (Marker = XNORMAL_FACES).
142 boundary elements in index 4 (Marker = ZNORMAL_FACES).
153 boundary elements in index 5 (Marker = YNORMAL_FACE).
1834 boundary elements in index 6 (Marker = SYMMETRY_FACE).

Completed in 0.000000 seconds on 1 core.

------------------------- Exit Success (SU2_PRT) ------------------------
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Old   June 20, 2014, 10:21
Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 43
Rep Power: 13
Combas is on a distinguished road

I had some problems with the MPI libraries that I solved: you can have a look at this post ( where I explained my problem (and the solution).
Maybe, You get the same problem...

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Old   June 26, 2014, 20:32
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2010
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shirazbj is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by zkdkeen View Post
Dear SU2 users and developers,
I have just installed SU2 v3.2.0 on unbuntu. When I try to run parallel example, I found the SU2_PRT does nothing but only reading grid, twice. I think there should be a metis work during the grid partition, and several sub-grid files after the grid partition, but it does nothing and yields nothing. Why? Is there anything wrong with my installation? or other reason? Any answers will be appreciated. Here is the message.
I can't get an output either.

I looked at the src roughly. It sets size=1 at the beginning and all partition work is done within:

if (size > 1) {
all partition work

Sure, it will do nothing.

I think this 'size' means number of cpu cores as it is used at the end to print out finished on how many cores. So the if block may be changed to:

if (nZone > 1) {
all partition work. nZone is needed. Can do with one core or more cores.

But nZone=1 is also set at the begining.

I tried to set nZone=4 and/or add these lines in cfg file:

% --------------------------- PARTITIONING STRATEGY ---------------------------%
% Number of partitions of the domain

The program begin to "read grid file information" and then crashed.

Last edited by shirazbj; June 26, 2014 at 23:30.
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Old   July 7, 2014, 11:08
Antoni Alexander
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 43
Rep Power: 17
zkdkeen is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by Combas View Post

I had some problems with the MPI libraries that I solved: you can have a look at this post ( where I explained my problem (and the solution).
Maybe, You get the same problem...

Yeah, it is parallel installing problem. After carefully reinstall openmpi, the problem was solved!
Thanks, Laurent!
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