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coupling and multi block meshing

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Old   November 10, 2010, 05:21
Default coupling and multi block meshing
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Abdullah Karimi
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hi guys!
I am try to mesh the backward facing step geometry using non uniform grids in prostar.
I am creating three blocks but getting lots of trouble when i couple them:
1. there is connectivity errors
2. there is big no. of cracks
merging the vertices work neither...
doing the coupling by selecting is pretty cumbersome if nt impossible in my case...
so can you guys give some idea on it..
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Old   November 11, 2010, 03:20
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Mark Olesen
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Originally Posted by abdullahkarimi View Post
hi guys!
I am try to mesh the backward facing step geometry using non uniform grids in prostar.
I am creating three blocks but getting lots of trouble when i couple them:
1. there is connectivity errors
2. there is big no. of cracks
merging the vertices work neither...
doing the coupling by selecting is pretty cumbersome if nt impossible in my case...
so can you guys give some idea on it..
1. Place each block in a separate cell-table type. This makes later selection much easier.

2. If the domain is not aligned with the global coordinate system, add local coordinate systems with the correct orientation.

3. If the cracks between regions are due to rounding errors etc, use 'vmod' on the vset to align the vertices in a single plane.

4. Since the regions are in separate cell-table types, it should be relatively trivial to define the couples.

5. Assuming you are using STAR4, you should use "cptrans clear" before the final "cptrans all". This improves the reliabilty of the transformation. It is also recommended to backup your model before this stage. Using "csimplify" to undo coupled cells appears to be rather fragile.

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