September 25, 2004, 17:04
HELP ERROR 59: Length Scale
Hello, case: turbulent, instationary (module transient used), inlet and omega are in table inlet1.tbl and omegaplus.tbl respectively. i have entered the commands spin,2,20400,4,table $omegaplus.tbl rdef,1,inlet,table, $inlet1.tbl rturb,1,mixlen,0.08,0.003 all other settings are identical to a successfull instationary case where i used constant values for inlet and omega. But for the new case the following error is shown: ERROR #059 *** LENGTH SCALE AT AN INLET BOUNDARY PRESCRIBED TO BE ZERO; EXECUTION STOPPED PLEASE HELP what is going on? i cannot see the turbulence values 0.08 and 0.003 in the star.prob file. what is going on? THANK YOU