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Building new solver

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Old   April 18, 2011, 08:30
Default Building new solver
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Pramod Rao
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 4
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pramodrao1984 is on a distinguished road
Hi friends,

this post will be a bit heavy loaded.

I am trying to build new solver which has combined effect of two solvers. Since I am really new to this programming field, I am finding difficulties.
your helping hand will mean a lot to my work.

Thanks in advance,

Pramod Rao
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Old   July 14, 2011, 18:16
Walter Schostak
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 35
Rep Power: 15
wschosta is on a distinguished road
Hi Pramod,

Since this post is 3 months old I hope you managed to get some help merging solvers. But if not, here's what I would suggest:

Start slow, try adding little bits of functionality from one solver to the other. Make sure you build a test case that will allow you to test and make sure it's actually compiling and running correctly. The worst thing is when you write several hundred lines of code only to run it and have it crash and not know where the error was!

Second, don't be afraid to ask questions. I just started working with this too but after asking around and doing a lot of tinkering I feel pretty confident about it. BUT, when you ask questions try and put as much information as you can into the question. What version you're using, what solvers you're trying to merge, specific error messages that you're running into, be as specific as possible so people have the most information available to give you an accurate answer.

Third, it would probably be helpful for you to look through the forums and find other posts about merging solver functionality. There are a lot of them and there is a lot of insight that you can get from them even if you don't have a specific question.

I wish you the best of luck with your new solver and with CFD and OpenFOAM in the future.
akidess and fpmhadi like this.
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building new solver

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