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[Solved] Wedge Patch '*' is not planer error

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Old   August 11, 2016, 12:18
Default [Solved] Wedge Patch '*' is not planer error
New Member
Woo Hyeon Cho
Join Date: Jun 2016
Posts: 7
Rep Power: 10
jwh107 is on a distinguished road
I recently faced "Wedge Patch '*' is not planer error" and I solved it.
I'd like to let other know how I solved that error.
FYI I doesn't have much experience in openFoam and other CFD software.
But I think this information should be written.

When you createBaffles, checkMesh or execute solve command.
Most of the time it happens. If you didn't properly meshing your stuff.
Buy the way what I mean "Wedge Patch '*' is not planer error" is something like below.

--> FOAM Warning :
From function virtual void Foam::wedgePolyPatch::calcGeometry(Foam::PstreamBu ffers&)
in file meshes/polyMesh/polyPatches/constraint/wedge/wedgePolyPatch.C at line 69
Wedge patch 'wedge1' is not planar.
At local face at (14.3435 -1646.04 0.626253) the normal (-0.0436194 -3.09103e-17 0.999048) differs from the average normal (-0.0436195 -4.45833e-08 0.999048) by 2.40193e-14
Either correct the patch or split it into planar parts
--> FOAM Warning :
From function virtual void Foam::wedgePolyPatch::calcGeometry(Foam::PstreamBu ffers&)
in file meshes/polyMesh/polyPatches/constraint/wedge/wedgePolyPatch.C at line 69
Wedge patch 'wedge1' is not planar.
At local face at (10.6613 -277.657 0.465485) the normal (-0.0436194 -1.58485e-17 0.999048) differs from the average normal (-0.0436195 -4.45833e-08 0.999048) by 2.40193e-14
Either correct the patch or split it into planar parts
--> FOAM Warning :
From function virtual void Foam::wedgePolyPatch::calcGeometry(Foam::PstreamBu ffers&)
in file meshes/polyMesh/polyPatches/constraint/wedge/wedgePolyPatch.C at line 69
Wedge patch 'wedge1' is not planar.
At local face at (2.34513 -243.263 0.102391) the normal (-0.0436194 -1.28862e-17 0.999048) differs from the average normal (-0.0436195 -4.45833e-08 0.999048) by 2.40193e-14
Let me show you how I eradicate this kind of annoying errors.

1. Check and change your mesh

Personally, I use Gmsh to mesh my stuff. That's because it is easy for me to use. Anyway, I didn't check my mesh properly back then.
I create the point geometry with my matlab code and implemented it to Gmsh to create duct simulation for me.
Here are my codes.

It didn't work.
// Gmsh project created on Mon Aug 8 12:40:08 2016
// Gmsh project created on Thu Aug 4 20:38:08 2016

Point(1) = { 26.85209117 , -47.71562961 , 0 };
Point(2) = { 26.99588777 , -43.95394396 , 0 };
Point(3) = { 26.93422936 , -40.18652033 , 0 };
Point(4) = { 26.6675852 , -36.44203111 , 0 };
Point(5) = { 26.19798461 , -32.74897411 , 0 };
Point(6) = { 25.52900154 , -29.13545573 , 0 };
Point(7) = { 24.66572736 , -25.62897702 , 0 };
Point(8) = { 23.61473209 , -22.25622441 , 0 };
Point(9) = { 22.38401446 , -19.04286657 , 0 };
Point(10) = { 20.98294096 , -16.01335911 , 0 };
Point(11) = { 19.42217461 , -13.1907584 , 0 };
Point(12) = { 17.71359378 , -10.59654613 , 0 };
Point(13) = { 15.87020181 , -8.250465843 , 0 };
Point(14) = { 13.90602802 , -6.17037261 , 0 };
Point(15) = { 11.83602096 , -4.3720972 , 0 };
Point(16) = { 9.675934638 , -2.869325575 , 0 };
Point(17) = { 7.442208607 , -1.673494735 , 0 };
Point(18) = { 5.151842875 , -0.793705675 , 0 };
Point(19) = { 2.822268508 , -0.23665412 , 0 };
Point(20) = { 0.471214974 , -0.006579569 , 0 };
Point(21) = { -2.199003211 , -0.033583218 , 0 };
Point(22) = { -6.594330487 , -0.302187587 , 0 };
Point(23) = { -10.98162359 , -0.839069071 , 0 };
Point(24) = { -15.35553727 , -1.643573563 , 0 };
Point(25) = { -19.7107426 , -2.714720899 , 0 };
Point(26) = { -24.04193342 , -4.05120605 , 0 };
Point(27) = { -28.34383285 , -5.651400715 , 0 };
Point(28) = { -32.61119968 , -7.513355303 , 0 };
Point(29) = { -36.8388348 , -9.63480131 , 0 };
Point(30) = { -41.02158746 , -12.01315408 , 0 };
Point(31) = { -45.15436164 , -14.64551596 , 0 };
Point(32) = { -49.23212219 , -17.52867981 , 0 };
Point(33) = { -53.24990098 , -20.65913296 , 0 };
Point(34) = { -57.20280297 , -24.03306142 , 0 };
Point(35) = { -61.08601215 , -27.64635458 , 0 };
Point(36) = { -64.89479744 , -31.4946102 , 0 };
Point(37) = { -68.62451841 , -35.57313977 , 0 };
Point(38) = { -72.27063098 , -39.87697423 , 0 };
Point(39) = { -75.82869292 , -44.40087003 , 0 };
Point(40) = { -79.29436927 , -49.1393155 , 0 };
Point(41) = { -82.66343765 , -54.08653756 , 0 };
Point(42) = { -85.93179337 , -59.23650879 , 0 };
Point(43) = { -89.09545443 , -64.58295475 , 0 };
Point(44) = { -92.1505664 , -70.11936161 , 0 };
Point(45) = { -95.09340711 , -75.83898411 , 0 };
Point(46) = { -97.92039114 , -81.73485377 , 0 };
Point(47) = { -100.6280743 , -87.79978739 , 0 };
Point(48) = { -103.2131576 , -94.02639578 , 0 };
Point(49) = { -105.6724916 , -100.4070928 , 0 };
Point(50) = { -108.0030799 , -106.9341045 , 0 };
Point(51) = { -110.2020831 , -113.5994787 , 0 };
Point(52) = { -112.266822 , -120.3950948 , 0 };
Point(53) = { -114.1947812 , -127.3126733 , 0 };
Point(54) = { -115.9836115 , -134.3437862 , 0 };
Point(55) = { -117.6311337 , -141.4798671 , 0 };
Point(56) = { -119.1353405 , -148.7122219 , 0 };
Point(57) = { -120.4943993 , -156.0320391 , 0 };
Point(58) = { -121.7066541 , -163.4304006 , 0 };
Point(59) = { -122.7706282 , -170.8982925 , 0 };
Point(60) = { -123.6850251 , -178.4266165 , 0 };
Point(61) = { -124.4487309 , -186.0062005 , 0 };
Point(62) = { -125.0608151 , -193.6278098 , 0 };
Point(63) = { -125.520532 , -201.2821587 , 0 };
Point(64) = { -125.8273214 , -208.9599216 , 0 };
Point(65) = { -125.9808096 , -216.6517444 , 0 };
Point(66) = { -125.9808096 , -224.3482556 , 0 };
Point(67) = { -125.8273214 , -232.0400784 , 0 };
Point(68) = { -125.520532 , -239.7178413 , 0 };
Point(69) = { -123.020532 , -248.1032949 , 0 };
Point(70) = { -120.520532 , -256.4887485 , 0 };
Point(71) = { -118.020532 , -264.8742021 , 0 };
Point(72) = { -115.520532 , -273.2596557 , 0 };
Point(73) = { -113.020532 , -281.6451093 , 0 };
Point(74) = { -110.520532 , -290.0305629 , 0 };
Point(75) = { -108.020532 , -298.4160165 , 0 };
Point(76) = { -105.520532 , -306.8014701 , 0 };
Point(77) = { -103.020532 , -315.1869237 , 0 };
Point(78) = { -100.520532 , -323.5723773 , 0 };
Point(79) = { -98.02053196 , -331.9578309 , 0 };
Point(80) = { -95.52053196 , -340.3432846 , 0 };
Point(81) = { -93.02053196 , -348.7287382 , 0 };
Point(82) = { -90.52053196 , -357.1141918 , 0 };
Point(83) = { -88.02053196 , -365.4996454 , 0 };
Point(84) = { -85.52053196 , -373.885099 , 0 };
Point(85) = { -83.02053196 , -382.2705526 , 0 };
Point(86) = { -80.52053196 , -390.6560062 , 0 };
Point(87) = { -78.02053196 , -399.0414598 , 0 };
Point(88) = { -75.52053196 , -407.4269134 , 0 };
Point(89) = { -73.02053196 , -415.812367 , 0 };
Point(90) = { -70.52053196 , -424.1978206 , 0 };
Point(91) = { -68.02053196 , -432.5832742 , 0 };
Point(92) = { -65.52053196 , -440.9687278 , 0 };
Point(93) = { -63.02053196 , -430.3256096 , 0 };
Point(94) = { -60.52053196 , -419.6824915 , 0 };
Point(95) = { -58.02053196 , -409.0393733 , 0 };
Point(96) = { -55.52053196 , -398.3962551 , 0 };
Point(97) = { -53.02053196 , -387.7531369 , 0 };
Point(98) = { -50.52053196 , -377.1100187 , 0 };
Point(99) = { -48.02053196 , -366.4669005 , 0 };
Point(100) = { -45.52053196 , -355.8237823 , 0 };
Point(101) = { -43.02053196 , -345.1806641 , 0 };
Point(102) = { -40.52053196 , -334.5375459 , 0 };
Point(103) = { -38.02053196 , -323.8944277 , 0 };
Point(104) = { -35.52053196 , -313.2513096 , 0 };
Point(105) = { -33.02053196 , -302.6081914 , 0 };
Point(106) = { -30.52053196 , -291.9650732 , 0 };
Point(107) = { -28.02053196 , -281.321955 , 0 };
Point(108) = { -25.52053196 , -270.6788368 , 0 };
Point(109) = { -23.02053196 , -260.0357186 , 0 };
Point(110) = { -20.52053196 , -249.3926004 , 0 };
Point(111) = { -18.02053196 , -238.7494822 , 0 };
Point(112) = { -15.52053196 , -228.106364 , 0 };
Point(113) = { -13.02053196 , -217.4632458 , 0 };
Point(114) = { -10.52053196 , -206.8201277 , 0 };
Point(115) = { -8.02053196 , -196.1770095 , 0 };
Point(116) = { -5.52053196 , -185.5338913 , 0 };
Point(117) = { -3.02053196 , -174.8907731 , 0 };
Point(118) = { -0.52053196 , -164.2476549 , 0 };
Point(119) = { 1.97946804 , -153.6045367 , 0 };
Point(120) = { 4.47946804 , -142.9614185 , 0 };
Point(121) = { 6.97946804 , -132.3183003 , 0 };
Point(122) = { 9.47946804 , -121.6751821 , 0 };
Point(123) = { 11.97946804 , -111.0320639 , 0 };
Point(124) = { 14.47946804 , -100.3889458 , 0 };
Point(125) = { 16.97946804 , -89.74582756 , 0 };
Point(126) = { 19.47946804 , -79.10270937 , 0 };
Point(127) = { 21.97946804 , -68.45959118 , 0 };
Point(128) = { 24.47946804 , -57.81647299 , 0 };

Line(1) = {1:128,1};

Point(131) = {0, -2000, 0, 1.0};
Point(134) = {0, 1500, 0, 1.0};
Point(135) = {2000, 1500, 0, 1.0};
Point(136) = {2000, -2000, 0, 1.0};

Line(3) = {136, 131};
Line(4) = {136, 135};
Line(5) = {135, 134};

Translate {300, 0, 0} {

Point(137) = {0, -248.1, 0, 1.0};

Line(6) = {131, 137};
Line(7) = {137, 134};
Line(8) = {137, 69};

Line Loop(9) = {-8,7,-5,-4,3,6,8};

Line Loop(10) = {7, -5, -4, 3, 6};
Line Loop(11) = {1};

Plane Surface(12) = {9, 11};

Rotate {{0,1,0},{0,0,0},2.5*Pi/180.0}

new_entities[] = Extrude {{0,1,0},{0,0,0},-5*Pi/180.0}

Physical Surface("wedge0") = {12};
Physical Surface("wedge1") = {new_entities[0]};
Physical Surface("baffle") = {new_entities[2]};
Physical Surface("inlet") = {new_entities[3]};
Physical Surface("tunnel") = {new_entities[4]};
Physical Surface("outlet") = {new_entities[5]};
Physical Surface("duct") = {new_entities[7]};
Physical Volume("AIR") = {1};

Transfinite Line {7, 6, 18, 3, 16, 5, 17, 4} = 50 Using Progression 1;
Transfinite Line {8, 14} = 40 Using Progression 1;
Transfinite Line {23} = 20 Using Progression 1;
Transfinite Line {21, 1} = 300 Using Progression 1;
It worked.

Point(1) = { 326.8521 , -47.7156 , 0 };
Point(2) = { 326.1980 , -32.7490 , 0 };
Point(3) = { 322.3840 , -19.0429 , 0 };
Point(4) = { 315.8702 , -8.2505 , 0 };
Point(5) = { 307.4422 , -1.6735 , 0 };
Point(6) = { 297.8010 , -0.0336 , 0 };
Point(7) = { 286.8294 , -1.2079 , 0 };
Point(8) = { 275.9581 , -4.0512 , 0 };
Point(9) = { 265.2697 , -8.5418 , 0 };
Point(10) = { 254.8456 , -14.6455 , 0 };
Point(11) = { 244.7652 , -22.3159 , 0 };
Point(12) = { 235.1052 , -31.4946 , 0 };
Point(13) = { 225.9391 , -42.1118 , 0 };
Point(14) = { 217.3366 , -54.0865 , 0 };
Point(15) = { 209.3632 , -67.3278 , 0 };
Point(16) = { 202.0796 , -81.7349 , 0 };
Point(17) = { 195.5413 , -97.1980 , 0 };
Point(18) = { 189.7979 , -113.5995 , 0 };
Point(19) = { 184.8933 , -130.8146 , 0 };
Point(20) = { 180.8647 , -148.7122 , 0 };
Point(21) = { 177.7427 , -167.1562 , 0 };
Point(22) = { 175.5513 , -186.0062 , 0 };
Point(23) = { 174.3069 , -205.1187 , 0 };
Point(24) = { 174.0192 , -224.3483 , 0 };
Point(25) = { 174.6902 , -243.5485 , 0 };
Point(26) = { 179.6902 , -260.0080 , 0 };
Point(27) = { 184.6902 , -276.4675 , 0 };
Point(28) = { 189.6902 , -292.9269 , 0 };
Point(29) = { 194.6902 , -309.3864 , 0 };
Point(30) = { 199.6902 , -325.8459 , 0 };
Point(31) = { 204.6902 , -342.3053 , 0 };
Point(32) = { 209.6902 , -358.7648 , 0 };
Point(33) = { 214.6902 , -375.2243 , 0 };
Point(34) = { 219.6902 , -391.6838 , 0 };
Point(35) = { 224.6902 , -408.1432 , 0 };
Point(36) = { 229.6902 , -424.6027 , 0 };
Point(37) = { 234.6902 , -441.0622 , 0 };
Point(38) = { 239.6902 , -419.7222 , 0 };
Point(39) = { 244.6902 , -398.3822 , 0 };
Point(40) = { 249.6902 , -377.0422 , 0 };
Point(41) = { 254.6902 , -355.7022 , 0 };
Point(42) = { 259.6902 , -334.3622 , 0 };
Point(43) = { 264.6902 , -313.0222 , 0 };
Point(44) = { 269.6902 , -291.6823 , 0 };
Point(45) = { 274.6902 , -270.3423 , 0 };
Point(46) = { 279.6902 , -249.0023 , 0 };
Point(47) = { 284.6902 , -227.6623 , 0 };
Point(48) = { 289.6902 , -206.3223 , 0 };
Point(49) = { 294.6902 , -184.9823 , 0 };
Point(50) = { 299.6902 , -163.6423 , 0 };
Point(51) = { 304.6902 , -142.3023 , 0 };
Point(52) = { 309.6902 , -120.9624 , 0 };
Point(53) = { 314.6902 , -99.6224 , 0 };
Point(54) = { 319.6902 , -78.2824 , 0 };
Point(55) = { 324.6902 , -56.9424 , 0 };

Line(56) = {1:55,1};

Line Loop(57) = {56};

Point(58) = {0, -2000, 0, 100};
Point(59) = {0, 1500, 0, 100};
Point(60) = {2000, 1500, 0, 100};
Point(61) = {2000, -2000, 0, 100};
Point(62) = {0, -243.5, 0, 100};

Line(63) = {25, 62};
Line(64) = {62, 59};
Line(65) = {59, 60};
Line(66) = {60, 61};
Line(67) = {61, 58};
Line(68) = {58, 62};
Line(69) = {62, 25};

Line Loop(70) = {63:69};

Plane Surface(71) = {57, 70};

Transfinite Line {64, 68} = 40 Using Progression 1;
Transfinite Line {67, 65} = 40 Using Progression 1;
Transfinite Line {66} = 60 Using Progression 1;
Transfinite Line {63} = 20 Using Progression 1;
Transfinite Line {56} = 600 Using Progression 1;

Rotate {{0,1,0},{0,0,0},2.5*Pi/180.0}
new_entities[] = Extrude {{0,1,0},{0,0,0},-5*Pi/180.0}

Physical Surface("wedge0") = {71};
Physical Surface("wedge1") = {new_entities[0]};
Physical Surface("outlet") = {new_entities[4]};
Physical Surface("tunnel") = {new_entities[5]};
Physical Surface("inlet") = {new_entities[6]};
Physical Surface("duct") = {new_entities[2]};
Physical Surface("baffle") = {new_entities[7]}; // or 3

Physical Volume("AIR") = {1};
Point(1) = { 26.85209117 , -47.71562961 , 0 };
Point(1) = { 326.8521 , -47.7156 , 0 };

Do you see the difference?
I changed the digit number. I bring it down to 4 digit after 0. I rounded it up.
The digit number does matters. I didn't know that.
-> Check your mesh geometry and change the geometry digit down to 4 digit at least.

2. Check and change your setting.

Actually, I didn't use this solution to solve my problem but I saw someone who solve their problem with this way. I think in my case, I was pretty bad at first(mesh geometry digit problem). But, It it work for someone who has a light problem.

/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
| ========= | |
| \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox |
| \\ / O peration | Version: 2.3.1 |
| \\ / A nd | Web: |
| \\/ M anipulation | |
version 2.0;
format ascii;
class dictionary;
location "system";
object controlDict;
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //

applicationClass pimpleFoam;

startFrom latestTime;

startTime 0;

endTime 1;

stopAt endTime;

deltaT 0.001;

writeControl adjustableRunTime;

writeInterval 0.01;

cycleWrite 0;

writeFormat binary; //<-KEEP binary

writePrecision 6; //<- Make it up to 12 or more if you want

writeCompression off;

timeFormat general;

timePrecision 6;

runTimeModifiable true;

adjustTimeStep yes;

maxCo 20;

// ************************************************** *********************** //
I think that's it for treating this kind of problem. If you face that error.
You may remember 2 things.
1.check mesh
2.check setting
Thank you
jwh107 is offline   Reply With Quote

Old   August 23, 2018, 07:47
Join Date: Aug 2017
Posts: 58
Rep Power: 9
foadsf is on a distinguished road
I had similar issue here and here and I solved by changing writePrecision in controlDict file from 6 to 7!
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Old   December 8, 2019, 12:07
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Alex Pressley
Join Date: Feb 2019
Posts: 3
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alex1001 is on a distinguished road
Hi all,

I have a similar problem, receiving errors such as:
Either correct the patch or split it into planar parts
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function virtual void Foam::wedgePolyPatch::calcGeometry(Foam::PstreamBuffers&)
    in file meshes/polyMesh/polyPatches/constraint/wedge/wedgePolyPatch.C at line 70
    Wedge patch 'back' is not planar.
At local face at (2.063 0.090074 0.165) the normal (-0.043559 0.99905 -2.1156e-18) differs from the average normal (-0.043619 0.99905 -9.63e-20) by 3.7005e-09
Either correct the patch or split it into planar parts
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function virtual void Foam::wedgePolyPatch::calcGeometry(Foam::PstreamBuffers&)
    in file meshes/polyMesh/polyPatches/constraint/wedge/wedgePolyPatch.C at line 70
    Wedge patch 'back' is not planar.
At local face at (2.063 0.090074 0.175) the normal (-0.043559 0.99905 -2.1156e-18) differs from the average normal (-0.043619 0.99905 -9.63e-20) by 3.7005e-09
Either correct the patch or split it into planar parts
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function virtual void Foam::wedgePolyPatch::calcGeometry(Foam::PstreamBuffers&)
    in file meshes/polyMesh/polyPatches/constraint/wedge/wedgePolyPatch.C at line 70
    Wedge patch 'back' is not planar.
At local face at (2.063 0.090074 0.185) the normal (-0.043559 0.99905 -2.1156e-18) differs from the average normal (-0.043619 0.99905 -9.63e-20) by 3.7005e-09
Either correct the patch or split it into planar parts
and changing the writePrecision isn't helping.

This is occurring on a 2D axisymmetric mesh created using BlockMesh and extrudeMesh and only when the write format is ascii.

The errors don't happen when the writeFormat is binary and it runs perfectly fine. Unfortunately, I need the data in ascii format. I've tried using foamFormatConvert, but it churns out hundreds of these errors before the conversion, which is time consuming, messy, and leaves me suspicious of the results.

Is there any reason why it should only happen in ascii?

Many thanks,

alex1001 is offline   Reply With Quote

Old   June 1, 2020, 12:47
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Join Date: May 2020
Posts: 11
Rep Power: 6
I7aniel is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by alex1001 View Post
Hi all,

I have a similar problem, receiving errors such as:
Either correct the patch or split it into planar parts
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function virtual void Foam::wedgePolyPatch::calcGeometry(Foam::PstreamBuffers&)
    in file meshes/polyMesh/polyPatches/constraint/wedge/wedgePolyPatch.C at line 70
    Wedge patch 'back' is not planar.
At local face at (2.063 0.090074 0.165) the normal (-0.043559 0.99905 -2.1156e-18) differs from the average normal (-0.043619 0.99905 -9.63e-20) by 3.7005e-09
Either correct the patch or split it into planar parts
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function virtual void Foam::wedgePolyPatch::calcGeometry(Foam::PstreamBuffers&)
    in file meshes/polyMesh/polyPatches/constraint/wedge/wedgePolyPatch.C at line 70
    Wedge patch 'back' is not planar.
At local face at (2.063 0.090074 0.175) the normal (-0.043559 0.99905 -2.1156e-18) differs from the average normal (-0.043619 0.99905 -9.63e-20) by 3.7005e-09
Either correct the patch or split it into planar parts
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From function virtual void Foam::wedgePolyPatch::calcGeometry(Foam::PstreamBuffers&)
    in file meshes/polyMesh/polyPatches/constraint/wedge/wedgePolyPatch.C at line 70
    Wedge patch 'back' is not planar.
At local face at (2.063 0.090074 0.185) the normal (-0.043559 0.99905 -2.1156e-18) differs from the average normal (-0.043619 0.99905 -9.63e-20) by 3.7005e-09
Either correct the patch or split it into planar parts
and changing the writePrecision isn't helping.

This is occurring on a 2D axisymmetric mesh created using BlockMesh and extrudeMesh and only when the write format is ascii.

The errors don't happen when the writeFormat is binary and it runs perfectly fine. Unfortunately, I need the data in ascii format. I've tried using foamFormatConvert, but it churns out hundreds of these errors before the conversion, which is time consuming, messy, and leaves me suspicious of the results.

Is there any reason why it should only happen in ascii?

Many thanks,

Hey Alex,

i have a similar Problem, i created a 2D-mesh using blockMesh and converted it to a axis symetric mesh using makeAxialMesh.
I have the same error like you.

Did you find a solution?

Kind regards,

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Old   August 20, 2021, 01:21
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dasith0001 is on a distinguished road
Thank you very much Woo!!!

I was really frustrated with the same error till I found your post.
In increased the writePrision up to 12 and adjust the coordinate.

I think the trick is to set the all the coordinates to the same amount of decimal positions, even 0 to 0.00000

Thank you again,
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