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Old   June 22, 2007, 17:26
Default Any idea what's wrong? I've m
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Dominique Turmel
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Québec, Québec, Canada
Posts: 19
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doum is on a distinguished road
Any idea what's wrong?
I've modified MovingConeTopoFvMesh to account for 2D motion. I now have 4 layer addition/removal interfaces. It is working fine for 1D movement, in X or in Z, but when I try to have both working at the same time, I have troubles like that!
Inserted untouched faces into cells
Inserted modified faces into cells
Inserted added faces into cells
Added internal faces. Face count = 68594
Patch 0: added faces: untouched = 240 modified = 0 added = 0. Face count = 68834
Patch 1: added faces: untouched = 240 modified = 0 added = 0. Face count = 69074
Patch 2: added faces: untouched = 1485 modified = 15 added = 0. Face count = 70574
Patch 3: added faces: untouched = 1584 modified = 17 added = 0. Face count = 72175
Patch 4: added faces: untouched = 1485 modified = 15 added = 0. Face count = 73675
Patch 5: added faces: untouched = 1584 modified = 17 added = 0. Face count = 75276
#0 Foam::error::printStack(Foam:stream&)
#1 Foam::sigSegv::sigSegvHandler(int)
#2 Uninterpreted: [0xf72420]
#3 cfree
#4 operator delete(void*)
#5 operator delete[](void*)
#6 Foam::List<int>::operator=(Foam::List<int> const&)
#7 Foam::polyTopoChanger::changeMesh(Foam::polyMesh&, Foam::polyTopoChange const&)
#8 Foam::polyTopoChanger::changeMesh()
#9 Foam::movingWallTopoFvMesh::update()
#10 main
#11 __libc_start_main
#12 Foam::regIOobject::readIfModified()
Erreur de segmentation

Or :

bool layerAdditionRemoval::changeTopology() const for object up :
Layer thickness: min: 1.105 max: 1.105 avg: 1.105 old thickness: 1.1
Removal threshold: 0.2 addition threshold: 1.1
bool layerAdditionRemoval::changeTopology() const for object up : Triggering layer addition
Modifier 0 named up morphing
bool layerAdditionRemoval::changeTopology() const for object down :
Layer thickness: min: 0.865 max: 0.865 avg: 0.865 old thickness: 0.87
Removal threshold: 0.2 addition threshold: 1.1
Modifier 1 named down unchanged
bool layerAdditionRemoval::changeTopology() const for object left :
Layer thickness: min: 0.075 max: 0.075 avg: 0.075 old thickness: 0.07
Removal threshold: 2 addition threshold: 5
Modifier 2 named left unchanged
bool layerAdditionRemoval::changeTopology() const for object right :
Layer thickness: min: 4.865 max: 4.865 avg: 4.865 old thickness: 4.87
Removal threshold: 2 addition threshold: 5
Modifier 3 named right unchanged
void layerAdditionRemoval::addCellLayer(polyTopoChange& ref) const for object up : Adding cell layer
void layerAdditionRemoval::addCellLayer(polyTopoChange& ref) const for object up : Using edges for point insertion

--> FOAM FATAL ERROR : Cannot find patch for edge 27812. Edge: (8955 8961)#0 Foam::error::printStack(Foam:stream&)
#1 Foam::error::abort()
#2 Foam::layerAdditionRemoval::addCellLayer(Foam::pol yTopoChange&) const
#3 Foam::layerAdditionRemoval::setRefinement(Foam::po lyTopoChange&) const
#4 Foam::polyTopoChanger::topoChangeRequest() const
#5 Foam::polyTopoChanger::changeMesh()
#6 Foam::movingWallTopoFvMesh::update()
#7 main
#8 __libc_start_main
#9 Foam::regIOobject::readIfModified()

From function void Foam::layerAdditionRemoval::setRefinement(polyTopo Change& ref)
in file layerAdditionRemoval/addCellLayer.C at line 391.

FOAM aborting


Any hints or ideas?
Thanks a lot!
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