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SonicFOAM crashes after a few iterations

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Old   June 8, 2024, 07:54
Default SonicFOAM crashes after a few iterations
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Join Date: Jun 2024
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Hi All!

I am trying to do a student project that requires me to evaluate lift and drag on various supersonic airfoils, to see how that compares to those computed via Newton's theory. I started with the basic case of just a flat plate, 1% thick, at several angles of attack.

I use the Sonic FOAM code via SimFlow.

Thing is, for some reason it refuses to run properly. Sometimes it does a few iterations and then bugs out, producing a little bit of results, albeit still meaningless, as it does not have time to converge. At other times it yields nothing at all.

After a couple of attempts I noticed a line in the log, saying, among the other things, 'Maximum number of iterations exceeded: 100'.


Case export:

So I went to the SimFlow global settings and set the maximum number of iterations to 10k, but that did nothing.

At that point I figured that it probably did not like the sharp edges of my flat plate, so I modified the geometry, adding rounded leading and trailing edges, and redid the mesh.

It stopped complaining about exceeding a hundred iterations, as far as I can see, but it still stops shortly after running, and I cannot gather exactly why it does that.


Case export:

In fact, something similar happens with ANY FOAM compressible flow solver. Incompressible steady-state solvers seem to run just fine, but, of course, those results are utterly meaningless, as I am dealing with supersonic flow.

I am new to FOAM and have very little prior CFD experience, but I really need to get this to work, so any help is greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

P.S. Sorry for not putting the logs in the text directly, they seem to be too long for the forum to accept.
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