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overInterDyMFoam stops without error message

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Old   July 27, 2020, 17:45
Default overInterDyMFoam stops without error message
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Isnard Baptiste
Join Date: Jul 2020
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Hello everybody,
I have been using openfoam for a short time and I want to perform multiphase simulations using the oversetmesh function. I wish to make a 3D simulation of a buoy floating in the presence of waves. I have no problem to simulate waves alone, to simulate the buoy that floats without overset or to simulate the buoy that floats with the overset in 2D. On the other hand, when I want to perform the simulation with waves and the overset in 3D the solver overInterDyMFoam stops without any error message. I don't understand why! I have the impression that there is a problem in the zoneID identification during the use of 6DOF but I am not sure. I'm attaching all the files I use for this simulation. I'm running the following commands:
mergeMeshes .../sphere -overwrite

In the attachement, the file sphere/constant/triSurface is empty here to have the good size of file but on my computer there are two stl file: one sphere od 1cm diameter and one oversetPatch which is also a sphere so snappy is acting between both sphere.

I don't understand where my mistake is I hope someone will have an answer for me. Thank you in advance for your answers and for your time.
Have a nice day.
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Old   September 2, 2020, 06:05
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Isnard Baptiste
Join Date: Jul 2020
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The answer to my problem was that the boundary condition on the bottom for the velocity have to be a slip condition.
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