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mpirun-(Floating point exception) Error-PisoFOAM

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Old   September 23, 2016, 02:55
Default mpirun-(Floating point exception) Error-PisoFOAM
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 43
Rep Power: 14
Mirage is on a distinguished road
Greetings all

I am working with a modified pisoFoam solver and I have basically a problem, when i run the solver parallel.

I can run the simulation serial and parallel. However, the parallel simulation is crashing after few time steps.
I am using cycling BC for the (inlet and outlet) and for (front and back)
Here is the output of the parallel case:

Courant Number mean: 0.04229434554 max: 0.5992202266
deltaT = 3.705022249e-06
Time = 7.829136586e-05

DILUPBiCG:  Solving for Ux, Initial residual = 0.001132372813, Final residual = 8.695481812e-06, No Iterations 1
DILUPBiCG:  Solving for Uy, Initial residual = 0.0008654558366, Final residual = 7.542181752e-06, No Iterations 1
DILUPBiCG:  Solving for Uz, Initial residual = 0.02039794887, Final residual = 1.525666741e-06, No Iterations 2
GAMG:  Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.02079074604, Final residual = 0.0001161640931, No Iterations 6
time step continuity errors : sum local = 1.154462722e-09, global = 9.626961447e-23, cumulative = 1.751705925e-20
GAMG:  Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.01454714924, Final residual = 0.0001090727361, No Iterations 5
time step continuity errors : sum local = 1.063470866e-09, global = 4.551514925e-21, cumulative = 2.206857417e-20
DILUPBiCG:  Solving for T, Initial residual = 0.100062009, Final residual = 0.007359409189, No Iterations 1001
Uncorrected Ubar = 2.380006475    pressure gradient = 97.82185673
ExecutionTime = 941.9 s  ClockTime = 957 s

Courant Number mean: 0.04239293166 max: 0.599337286
deltaT = 3.709119058e-06
Time = 8.199638811e-05

DILUPBiCG:  Solving for Ux, Initial residual = 0.001088719602, Final residual = 8.407605976e-06, No Iterations 1
DILUPBiCG:  Solving for Uy, Initial residual = 0.0008188602944, Final residual = 7.337144691e-06, No Iterations 1
DILUPBiCG:  Solving for Uz, Initial residual = 0.01565934656, Final residual = 1.288022111e-06, No Iterations 2
GAMG:  Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.01941676891, Final residual = 0.0001020266109, No Iterations 6
time step continuity errors : sum local = 9.952750388e-10, global = 3.478653718e-21, cumulative = 2.554722789e-20
GAMG:  Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.01362092705, Final residual = 9.169761687e-05, No Iterations 5
time step continuity errors : sum local = 8.81312799e-10, global = 1.782421614e-21, cumulative = 2.73296495e-20
[1] #0  Foam::error::printStack(Foam::Ostream&)[0] #0  Foam::error::printStack(Foam::Ostream&) at ??:?
[0] #1  Foam::sigFpe::sigHandler(int) at ??:?
[1] #1  Foam::sigFpe::sigHandler(int) at ??:?
[1] #2  ? at ??:?
[0] #2  ? in "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"
[0] #3  Foam::PBiCG::solve(Foam::Field<double>&, Foam::Field<double> const&, unsigned char) const in "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"
[1] #3  Foam::PBiCG::solve(Foam::Field<double>&, Foam::Field<double> const&, unsigned char) const at ??:?
 at ??:?
[1] #4  Foam::fvMatrix<double>::solveSegregated(Foam::dictionary const&)[0] #4  Foam::fvMatrix<double>::solveSegregated(Foam::dictionary const&) at ??:?
[1] #5   at ??:?
[0] #5  Foam::fvMatrix<double>::solve(Foam::dictionary const&)Foam::fvMatrix<double>::solve(Foam::dictionary const&) at ??:?
[0] #6   at ??:?
[1] #6  Foam::fvMatrix<double>::solve()Foam::fvMatrix<double>::solve() at ??:?
[0] #7   at ??:?
[1] #7  ? at ??:?
[0] #8  __libc_start_main? at ??:?
[1] #8  __libc_start_main in "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"
[0] #9  ? in "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"
[1] #9   at ??:?
?[amine-ThinkPad-T510:05270] *** Process received signal ***
[amine-ThinkPad-T510:05270] Signal: Floating point exception (8)
[amine-ThinkPad-T510:05270] Signal code:  (-6)
[amine-ThinkPad-T510:05270] Failing at address: 0x3e800001496
 at ??:?
[amine-ThinkPad-T510:05271] *** Process received signal ***
[amine-ThinkPad-T510:05271] Signal: Floating point exception (8)
[amine-ThinkPad-T510:05271] Signal code:  (-6)
[amine-ThinkPad-T510:05271] Failing at address: 0x3e800001497
[amine-ThinkPad-T510:05271] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f37049794a0]
[amine-ThinkPad-T510:05271] [ 1] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f3704979418]
[amine-ThinkPad-T510:05271] [ 2] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f37049794a0]
[amine-ThinkPad-T510:05271] [ 3] /home/amine/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-3.0.1/platforms/linux64GccDPInt64Opt/lib/[0x7f3705bafda2]
[amine-ThinkPad-T510:05271] [ 4] /home/amine/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-3.0.1/platforms/linux64GccDPInt64Opt/lib/[0x7f37076f69dc]
[amine-ThinkPad-T510:05271] [ 5] pisoFoamT_cyclic_YSC(_ZN4Foam8fvMatrixIdE5solveERKNS_10dictionaryE+0x199)[0x49cfa9]
[amine-ThinkPad-T510:05271] [ 6] pisoFoamT_cyclic_YSC(_ZN4Foam8fvMatrixIdE5solveEv+0xd4)[0x49d204]
[amine-ThinkPad-T510:05271] [ 7] pisoFoamT_cyclic_YSC[0x42f84d]
[amine-ThinkPad-T510:05271] [ 8] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f3704964830]
[amine-ThinkPad-T510:05271] [ 9] pisoFoamT_cyclic_YSC[0x438669]
[amine-ThinkPad-T510:05271] *** End of error message ***
[amine-ThinkPad-T510:05270] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f5d4e6974a0]
[amine-ThinkPad-T510:05270] [ 1] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f5d4e697418]
[amine-ThinkPad-T510:05270] [ 2] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f5d4e6974a0]
[amine-ThinkPad-T510:05270] [ 3] /home/amine/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-3.0.1/platforms/linux64GccDPInt64Opt/lib/[0x7f5d4f8cdda2]
[amine-ThinkPad-T510:05270] [ 4] /home/amine/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-3.0.1/platforms/linux64GccDPInt64Opt/lib/[0x7f5d514149dc]
[amine-ThinkPad-T510:05270] [ 5] pisoFoamT_cyclic_YSC(_ZN4Foam8fvMatrixIdE5solveERKNS_10dictionaryE+0x199)[0x49cfa9]
[amine-ThinkPad-T510:05270] [ 6] pisoFoamT_cyclic_YSC(_ZN4Foam8fvMatrixIdE5solveEv+0xd4)[0x49d204]
[amine-ThinkPad-T510:05270] [ 7] pisoFoamT_cyclic_YSC[0x42f84d]
[amine-ThinkPad-T510:05270] [ 8] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f5d4e682830]
[amine-ThinkPad-T510:05270] [ 9] pisoFoamT_cyclic_YSC[0x438669]
[amine-ThinkPad-T510:05270] *** End of error message ***
mpirun noticed that process rank 1 with PID 5271 on node amine-ThinkPad-T510 exited on signal 8 (Floating point exception).
I am using OF.3.0.1 and ubuntu 16.04

I appreciate any help
Thanks in advance.

Last edited by Mirage; September 23, 2016 at 15:07.
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Old   September 28, 2016, 06:20
Thangam Natarajan
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Did you try to use the 'preservePatches' option while decomposing the mesh?
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Old   September 28, 2016, 18:06
Join Date: Jul 2012
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Thank you for your answer. I will try it
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Old   March 9, 2017, 09:54
Default mpirun-(Floating point exception)
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shadab ilahi
Join Date: Aug 2016
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Hello everyone,

I am working with a modified BouyantBossinesqpisoFoam solver in extended-foam-3.1, and I have basically a problem when I run the solver parallel. My simulation geometry is a horizontal rotating pipe with filled suspension and no inflow and outflow.

I can run the simulation serial and parallel. However, the parallel simulation is crashing after 3-time steps.

I am using buoyantPressure for pressure at the inlet, outlet and surface, and at out and following conventional BC of No slip Boundary condition at the inlet, outlet and surface.

This type of error is shown in my terminal.
| =========                 |                                                 |
| \\      /  F ield         | foam-extend: Open Source CFD                    |
|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:     3.1                                |
|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:       |
|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
Build    : 3.1
Exec     : SBMGFoam -parallel
Date     : Mar 09 2017
Time     : 19:58:03
Host     : shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR
PID      : 2832
CtrlDict : /home/shadab/foam/foam-extend-3.1/etc/controlDict
Case     : /home/shadab/foam/shadab-3.1/run/stable_band_2
nProcs   : 4
Slaves : 

Pstream initialized with:
    floatTransfer     : 0
    nProcsSimpleSum   : 0
    commsType         : blocking
SigFpe   : Enabling floating point exception trapping (FOAM_SIGFPE).

// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
Create time

Create mesh for time = 390

Reading g
Reading transportProperties

Reading field p

Reading field U

Reading field c

Reading field J

Reading field Jg

Reading field Jtotal

Reading field Q

Reading/calculating face flux field phi

Courant Number mean: 0.0134277 max: 0.0471668 velocity magnitude: 0.0202

Starting time loop

Time = 390.001

Courant Number mean: 0.0134277 max: 0.0471668 velocity magnitude: 0.0202
DICPCG:  Solving for Ux, Initial residual = 4.30797e-05, Final residual = 9.97731e-07, No Iterations 1
DICPCG:  Solving for Uy, Initial residual = 0.000847611, Final residual = 1.18899e-05, No Iterations 1
DICPCG:  Solving for Uz, Initial residual = 0.000485384, Final residual = 4.39455e-06, No Iterations 1
DICPCG:  Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.0455745, Final residual = 0.00170418, No Iterations 5
time step continuity errors : sum local = 3.93685e-07, global = -1.2808e-09, cumulative = -1.2808e-09
DICPCG:  Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.0406958, Final residual = 0.000184129, No Iterations 1000
time step continuity errors : sum local = 8.15911e-06, global = -1.29489e-09, cumulative = -2.57569e-09
DILUPBiCG:  Solving for c, Initial residual = 0.000689503, Final residual = 1.4972e-07, No Iterations 1
ExecutionTime = 3.76 s  ClockTime = 4 s

Time = 390.004

Courant Number mean: 158.319 max: 1712.35 velocity magnitude: 489.214
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04334] *** Process received signal ***
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04334] Signal: Floating point exception (8)
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04334] Signal code:  (-6)
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04334] Failing at address: 0x3e8000010ee
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04335] *** Process received signal ***
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04335] Signal: Floating point exception (8)
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04335] Signal code:  (-6)
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04335] Failing at address: 0x3e8000010ef
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04336] *** Process received signal ***
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04336] Signal: Floating point exception (8)
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04336] Signal code:  (-6)
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04336] Failing at address: 0x3e8000010f0
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04335] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fb35b6a3cb0]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04335] [ 1] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fb35b6a3c37]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04335] [ 2] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fb35b6a3cb0]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04335] [ 3] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fb35bc5d955]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04335] [ 4] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fb35bc6e85c]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04335] [ 5] /home/shadab/foam/foam-extend-3.1/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ [0x7fb35cbc7342]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04335] [ 6] SBMGFoam(_ZN4Foam3powINS_12fvPatchFieldENS_7volMeshEEENS_3tmpINS_14GeometricFieldIdT_T0_EEEERKS8_RKNS_11dimensionedIdEE+0x15c) [0x47dd1c]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04335] [ 7] SBMGFoam() [0x47dfe3]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04335] [ 8] SBMGFoam() [0x42bf25]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04335] [ 9] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fb35b68ef45]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04336] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fb890355cb0]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04336] [ 1] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fb890355c37]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04336] [ 2] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fb890355cb0]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04336] [ 3] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fb89090f955]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04336] [ 4] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fb89092085c]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04336] [ 5] /home/shadab/foam/foam-extend-3.1/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ [0x7fb891879342]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04336] [ 6] SBMGFoam(_ZN4Foam3powINS_12fvPatchFieldENS_7volMeshEEENS_3tmpINS_14GeometricFieldIdT_T0_EEEERKS8_RKNS_11dimensionedIdEE+0x15c) [0x47dd1c]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04336] [ 7] SBMGFoam() [0x47dfe3]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04336] [ 8] SBMGFoam() [0x42bf25]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04336] [ 9] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fb890340f45]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04336] [10] SBMGFoam() [0x430731]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04336] *** End of error message ***
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04335] [10] SBMGFoam() [0x430731]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04335] *** End of error message ***
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04337] *** Process received signal ***
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04337] Signal: Floating point exception (8)
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04337] Signal code:  (-6)
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04337] Failing at address: 0x3e8000010f1
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04334] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f6f7ddc5cb0]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04334] [ 1] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f6f7ddc5c37]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04334] [ 2] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f6f7ddc5cb0]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04334] [ 3] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f6f7e37f955]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04334] [ 4] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f6f7e39085c]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04334] [ 5] /home/shadab/foam/foam-extend-3.1/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ [0x7f6f7f2e9342]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04334] [ 6] SBMGFoam(_ZN4Foam3powINS_12fvPatchFieldENS_7volMeshEEENS_3tmpINS_14GeometricFieldIdT_T0_EEEERKS8_RKNS_11dimensionedIdEE+0x15c) [0x47dd1c]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04334] [ 7] SBMGFoam() [0x47dfe3]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04334] [ 8] SBMGFoam() [0x42bf25]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04334] [ 9] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f6f7ddb0f45]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04334] [10] SBMGFoam() [0x430731]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04334] *** End of error message ***
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04337] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f24e39cdcb0]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04337] [ 1] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f24e39cdc37]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04337] [ 2] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f24e39cdcb0]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04337] [ 3] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f24e3f87955]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04337] [ 4] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f24e3f9885c]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04337] [ 5] /home/shadab/foam/foam-extend-3.1/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ [0x7f24e4ef1342]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04337] [ 6] SBMGFoam(_ZN4Foam3powINS_12fvPatchFieldENS_7volMeshEEENS_3tmpINS_14GeometricFieldIdT_T0_EEEERKS8_RKNS_11dimensionedIdEE+0x15c) [0x47dd1c]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04337] [ 7] SBMGFoam() [0x47dfe3]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04337] [ 8] SBMGFoam() [0x42bf25]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04337] [ 9] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f24e39b8f45]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04337] [10] SBMGFoam() [0x430731]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04337] *** End of error message ***
mpirun noticed that process rank 1 with PID 4335 on node shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR exited on signal 8 (Floating point exception).
Please help me out of this problem

Thanks in advance


Last edited by shadabdyn; March 9, 2017 at 11:15.
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Old   October 17, 2020, 14:07
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I have the same mistake, did someone fix it?
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Old   November 12, 2022, 09:52
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Mehulbhai Sasvadiya
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Originally Posted by shadabdyn View Post
Hello everyone,

I am working with a modified BouyantBossinesqpisoFoam solver in extended-foam-3.1, and I have basically a problem when I run the solver parallel. My simulation geometry is a horizontal rotating pipe with filled suspension and no inflow and outflow.

I can run the simulation serial and parallel. However, the parallel simulation is crashing after 3-time steps.

I am using buoyantPressure for pressure at the inlet, outlet and surface, and at out and following conventional BC of No slip Boundary condition at the inlet, outlet and surface.

This type of error is shown in my terminal.
| =========                 |                                                 |
| \\      /  F ield         | foam-extend: Open Source CFD                    |
|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:     3.1                                |
|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:       |
|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
Build    : 3.1
Exec     : SBMGFoam -parallel
Date     : Mar 09 2017
Time     : 19:58:03
Host     : shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR
PID      : 2832
CtrlDict : /home/shadab/foam/foam-extend-3.1/etc/controlDict
Case     : /home/shadab/foam/shadab-3.1/run/stable_band_2
nProcs   : 4
Slaves : 

Pstream initialized with:
    floatTransfer     : 0
    nProcsSimpleSum   : 0
    commsType         : blocking
SigFpe   : Enabling floating point exception trapping (FOAM_SIGFPE).

// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
Create time

Create mesh for time = 390

Reading g
Reading transportProperties

Reading field p

Reading field U

Reading field c

Reading field J

Reading field Jg

Reading field Jtotal

Reading field Q

Reading/calculating face flux field phi

Courant Number mean: 0.0134277 max: 0.0471668 velocity magnitude: 0.0202

Starting time loop

Time = 390.001

Courant Number mean: 0.0134277 max: 0.0471668 velocity magnitude: 0.0202
DICPCG:  Solving for Ux, Initial residual = 4.30797e-05, Final residual = 9.97731e-07, No Iterations 1
DICPCG:  Solving for Uy, Initial residual = 0.000847611, Final residual = 1.18899e-05, No Iterations 1
DICPCG:  Solving for Uz, Initial residual = 0.000485384, Final residual = 4.39455e-06, No Iterations 1
DICPCG:  Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.0455745, Final residual = 0.00170418, No Iterations 5
time step continuity errors : sum local = 3.93685e-07, global = -1.2808e-09, cumulative = -1.2808e-09
DICPCG:  Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.0406958, Final residual = 0.000184129, No Iterations 1000
time step continuity errors : sum local = 8.15911e-06, global = -1.29489e-09, cumulative = -2.57569e-09
DILUPBiCG:  Solving for c, Initial residual = 0.000689503, Final residual = 1.4972e-07, No Iterations 1
ExecutionTime = 3.76 s  ClockTime = 4 s

Time = 390.004

Courant Number mean: 158.319 max: 1712.35 velocity magnitude: 489.214
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04334] *** Process received signal ***
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04334] Signal: Floating point exception (8)
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04334] Signal code:  (-6)
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04334] Failing at address: 0x3e8000010ee
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04335] *** Process received signal ***
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04335] Signal: Floating point exception (8)
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04335] Signal code:  (-6)
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04335] Failing at address: 0x3e8000010ef
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04336] *** Process received signal ***
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04336] Signal: Floating point exception (8)
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04336] Signal code:  (-6)
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04336] Failing at address: 0x3e8000010f0
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04335] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fb35b6a3cb0]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04335] [ 1] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fb35b6a3c37]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04335] [ 2] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fb35b6a3cb0]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04335] [ 3] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fb35bc5d955]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04335] [ 4] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fb35bc6e85c]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04335] [ 5] /home/shadab/foam/foam-extend-3.1/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ [0x7fb35cbc7342]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04335] [ 6] SBMGFoam(_ZN4Foam3powINS_12fvPatchFieldENS_7volMeshEEENS_3tmpINS_14GeometricFieldIdT_T0_EEEERKS8_RKNS_11dimensionedIdEE+0x15c) [0x47dd1c]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04335] [ 7] SBMGFoam() [0x47dfe3]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04335] [ 8] SBMGFoam() [0x42bf25]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04335] [ 9] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fb35b68ef45]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04336] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fb890355cb0]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04336] [ 1] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fb890355c37]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04336] [ 2] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fb890355cb0]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04336] [ 3] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fb89090f955]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04336] [ 4] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fb89092085c]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04336] [ 5] /home/shadab/foam/foam-extend-3.1/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ [0x7fb891879342]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04336] [ 6] SBMGFoam(_ZN4Foam3powINS_12fvPatchFieldENS_7volMeshEEENS_3tmpINS_14GeometricFieldIdT_T0_EEEERKS8_RKNS_11dimensionedIdEE+0x15c) [0x47dd1c]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04336] [ 7] SBMGFoam() [0x47dfe3]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04336] [ 8] SBMGFoam() [0x42bf25]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04336] [ 9] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fb890340f45]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04336] [10] SBMGFoam() [0x430731]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04336] *** End of error message ***
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04335] [10] SBMGFoam() [0x430731]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04335] *** End of error message ***
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04337] *** Process received signal ***
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04337] Signal: Floating point exception (8)
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04337] Signal code:  (-6)
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04337] Failing at address: 0x3e8000010f1
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04334] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f6f7ddc5cb0]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04334] [ 1] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f6f7ddc5c37]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04334] [ 2] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f6f7ddc5cb0]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04334] [ 3] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f6f7e37f955]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04334] [ 4] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f6f7e39085c]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04334] [ 5] /home/shadab/foam/foam-extend-3.1/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ [0x7f6f7f2e9342]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04334] [ 6] SBMGFoam(_ZN4Foam3powINS_12fvPatchFieldENS_7volMeshEEENS_3tmpINS_14GeometricFieldIdT_T0_EEEERKS8_RKNS_11dimensionedIdEE+0x15c) [0x47dd1c]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04334] [ 7] SBMGFoam() [0x47dfe3]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04334] [ 8] SBMGFoam() [0x42bf25]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04334] [ 9] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f6f7ddb0f45]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04334] [10] SBMGFoam() [0x430731]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04334] *** End of error message ***
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04337] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f24e39cdcb0]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04337] [ 1] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f24e39cdc37]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04337] [ 2] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f24e39cdcb0]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04337] [ 3] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f24e3f87955]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04337] [ 4] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f24e3f9885c]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04337] [ 5] /home/shadab/foam/foam-extend-3.1/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/ [0x7f24e4ef1342]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04337] [ 6] SBMGFoam(_ZN4Foam3powINS_12fvPatchFieldENS_7volMeshEEENS_3tmpINS_14GeometricFieldIdT_T0_EEEERKS8_RKNS_11dimensionedIdEE+0x15c) [0x47dd1c]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04337] [ 7] SBMGFoam() [0x47dfe3]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04337] [ 8] SBMGFoam() [0x42bf25]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04337] [ 9] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f24e39b8f45]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04337] [10] SBMGFoam() [0x430731]
[shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR:04337] *** End of error message ***
mpirun noticed that process rank 1 with PID 4335 on node shadab-HP-ProDesk-600-G1-TWR exited on signal 8 (Floating point exception).
Please help me out of this problem

Thanks in advance



Have you got answer of this questions?

I am stuck on same problem.
please let me know.

mehulsasvadiya1996@gmail. is offline   Reply With Quote


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