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Old   July 2, 2020, 17:28
Default OpenFOAM on WSL with Ubuntu
Petros Ampatzidis
Join Date: Oct 2018
Location: Bath, UK
Posts: 64
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Hi all,

This thread consists of two parts: (a) A piece of information for users of OpenFOAM with Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) and (b) a long-shot enquire to the more experienced ones.


I was running OpenFOAM v1906 on a Windows machine using WSL and Ubuntu 18.04. My organisation automatically requested to proceed to the recent Windows System Update, and so I did.

After the update, the WSL was removed from my system along with the whole structure of my OpenFOAM environment. However, my simulation files remained intact. Note that the location of OpenFOAM when working in Ubuntu and WSL can be found in the following path:

C\Users\'username'\AppData\Local\Packages\Canonica lGroupLimited.UbuntuonWindows_79rhkp1fndgsc\LocalS tate\rootfs\home\'username'\

This is a known issue. More information here:

Not being able to run Ubuntu, I was advised to re-install Ubuntu from the App Store as I did before. Unfortunately, this led the new installation to overwrite the above-mentioned folder, meaning that all my files were deleted.

Hence my advice to those who use OpenFOAM in Windows is: go immediately to the the location where Ubuntu is installed and make a backup of your files before you proceed to any Windows updates.


The obvious question: Does anyone have any idea how to restore those files?

I must state that the system restore functionality isn't implemented on University-managed machines, something that, sadly, I didn't know in advance.

Best regards,

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