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UDF - Population Balance - Breakage Frequency

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Old   January 30, 2020, 07:47
Default UDF - Population Balance - Breakage Frequency
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 30
Rep Power: 15
Gimlas is on a distinguished road
dear colleagues
I have a basic issue with udfs dedicated to the breakage frequency in the Population Balance Equations. I have created a very simple code:

#include "udf.h."
#include "sg_pb.h"
#include "sg_mphase.h"

DEFINE_PB_BREAKUP_RATE_FREQ(break_up_freq_pow, cell, thread_1, d_1)
real f1;
real kv = M_PI/6.;
real C1 = 150000.;
real V_prime = kv*pow(d_1,3.);

f1 = pow(V_prime,1./3.);
return C1*f1;

But it generates the following error message:

************************************************** **************************

************************************************** **************************

** WARNING: Automatically switched to run in parallel -t1 mode. **

** Detected non-parallelized UDF usage, enabling parallel usage. **

** If you encounter any issues, please re-run with -t0 flag. **

************************************************** **************************

************************************************** **************************Creating user_nt.udf file for 3ddp_host ...

(system "copy "C:\PROGRA~1\ANSYSI~1\v193\fluent"\fluent19.3.0\sr c\udf\makefile_nt.udf "libudf\win64\3ddp_host\makefile" ")

1 file(s) copied.

(chdir "libudf")(chdir "win64\3ddp_host")# Generating ud_io1.h


# Generating udf_names.c because of makefile BRK.obj


udf_names.c(8): error C2065: "break_up_freq_pow": niezadeklarowany identyfikator (undeclared identifier)

udf_names.c(8): warning C4312: "typ rzutowania": konwersja z "int" na "void (*)(void)" jest wi�kszej wielko�ci ("cast type": conversion of "int" into "void(*)(void)" is higher value)

udf_names.c(8): error C2065: "UDF_TYPE_PB_BREAKUP_RATE_FREQ": niezadeklarowany identyfikator (undecllared identifier)

udf_names.c(8): error C2099: inicjator nie jest sta�� (initiator is not ...)

************************************************** **************************

************************************************** **************************

** WARNING: Automatically switched to run in parallel -t1 mode. **

** Detected non-parallelized UDF usage, enabling parallel usage. **

** If you encounter any issues, please re-run with -t0 flag. **

************************************************** **************************

************************************************** **************************Creating user_nt.udf file for 3ddp_node ...

(system "copy "C:\PROGRA~1\ANSYSI~1\v193\fluent"\fluent19.3.0\sr c\udf\makefile_nt.udf "libudf\win64\3ddp_node\makefile" ")

1 file(s) copied.

(chdir "libudf")(chdir "win64\3ddp_node")# Generating ud_io1.h


# Generating udf_names.c because of makefile BRK.obj


udf_names.c(8): error C2065: "break_up_freq_pow": niezadeklarowany identyfikator

udf_names.c(8): warning C4312: "typ rzutowania": konwersja z "int" na "void (*)(void)" jest wi�kszej wielko�ci

udf_names.c(8): error C2065: "UDF_TYPE_PB_BREAKUP_RATE_FREQ": niezadeklarowany identyfikator

udf_names.c(8): error C2099: inicjator nie jest sta��


So I have decided to run the example given in the Fluent's manual:

#include "udf.h"
#include "sg_pb.h"
#include "sg_mphase.h"

DEFINE_PB_BREAKUP_RATE_FREQ(break_up_freq_tav, cell, thread, d_1)
real epsi, alpha, f1, f2, rho_d;
real C1 = 0.00481, C2 = 0.08, sigma = 0.07;
Thread *tm = THREAD_SUPER_THREAD(thread);/*passed thread is phase*/
epsi = C_D(cell, tm);
alpha = C_VOF(cell, thread);
rho_d = C_R(cell, thread);
f1 = pow(epsi, 1./3.)/((1.+epsi)*pow(d_1, 2./3.));
f2 = -(C2*sigma*(1.+epsi)*(1.+epsi))/(rho_d*pow(epsi,2./3.)*pow(d_1, 5./3.));
return C1*f1*exp(f2);

But it generates even more errors... I am working on Ansys Fluent 2019R1 version of the software.

I would be obliged if you could help me.

Best regards
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Old   January 30, 2020, 10:05
Default Write your code
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vinerm will become famous soon enough
The problem appears to be that you copied the code from the manual and modified it. You have to open a new file, write the code yourself, and then compile it.

PM to be used if and only if you do not want something to be shared publicly. PM is considered to be of the least priority.
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