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Matthew Campbell October 5, 2001 03:54

Image Print
Does anyone now how to successfully save CFX 5.4.1.Visualise Images in .jpg format successfully? The copy of CFX i am using runs on a unix work station. I follow the correct procedure for doing this, and then ftp the file to a pc to access the saved image. Unfortunately the resultant image is absolutely horrendous and has now resemblance to what is shown on the monitor at all. I would be gratefull if anyone knew what I was doing wrong.

Thank you. Matt

PS Using Microsoft Photo Editor to view .jpeg

Astrid October 5, 2001 06:33

Re: Image Print
SGI? Type in 'mediarecorder'. Make a rectangular with your mouse and save it to rgb format. Convert rgb to tif using 'imgworks'.

No SGI? I don't know.

Do you use a PC with Exceed to work on the workstation? Then use your right-mouse-buttom on the exceed tab, go find the toolbar and click on one of the icons to draw a rectangular. Then paste it into your MS Photo Editor.

Good luck, Astrid

Matthew Campbell October 5, 2001 06:44

Re: Image Print
Thank You Astrid!! You've saved me from certain frustration again!


Astrid October 5, 2001 10:13

Re: Image Print
100 euro's will do!

Stuart October 10, 2001 06:21

Re: Image Print
Hey Guys, I use ImageView on our of SG machine. It doesn't have much in the way of editing capability but it alows you to view the image. This came with the version of Irix we installed (6.6 - its an old machine - we now use NT). Hope this helps Stuart

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