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transient heat transfer analysis on Autodesk Mechanical

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Old   November 28, 2013, 14:14
Default transient heat transfer analysis on Autodesk Mechanical
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Hey guys,
I am working on a transient heat transfer analysis, where I am using the ambient temperatures on both sides of a wall to reproduce the in-wall temperature values that we obtained by means of on-site monitoring. But the values that I obtain from the model are so far quite lower than the ones we obtained from monitoring. I tried to change the thermal conductivity and specific heat values I assigned to my materials (limestone, lime mortar and rubble), but my results are not very sensitive to those values. I think there are two possible reasons for the resulting low temperature values: 1. we placed the in-wall sensors inside the holes drilled in the wall, so we're actually measuring the temperature of the air inside the hole, rather than the temperature of the material itself, and 2. the wall is exposed to sunlight, so solar radiation has a strong impact on the results.
I couldn't understand how radiation temperature loading works in Autodesk. There are not much documentation or tutorials available on the subject. Could you please help me define solar radiation on the outer surface of the wall?
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