Webinar: Dirty or Not, Taking CAD Directly to CFD
Simulation…The Easy Way!
8:30 (Bangalore) • 11:00 (Singapore) • 12:00
(Seoul, Tokyo) • 14:00 (Melbourne) • 16:00 (Auckland)
Dealing with the consequences of imperfect CAD has
long been the biggest bottleneck in CFD, and was, until
recently, the single largest obstacle in getting
flow-simulation to have a real positive impact on product
For a typical case, producing a meshing quality
triangulated surface, along with the required high quality
computational meshes from complex or dirty CAD, could take
days or even weeks. Ultimately, up to 50% of the engineering
budget can be consumed.
It is not just automated surface clean-up; this
on-demand webinar recording will show the latest surface
wrapping and advanced meshing technologies that eliminate
manual repair from the CFD process altogether, guaranteeing
a faster route from CAD to flow simulation, and freeing CFD
engineers to concentrate on engineering analysis.
A live demonstration will show techniques for meshing
complex geometry that comes from dirty CAD. Attendees will
learn tips for using local control of a surface wrapper for
feature detection or defeaturing. 3D CAD capabilities will
also be explored for augmenting imported CAD geometry.