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How to interface a Fortran thermodynamic tool with OpenFOAM?

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Old   March 9, 2011, 14:45
Default mixing Fortran with OpenFOAM, Towards to a unified solution
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So, I came up with a solution to my prototype problem. Calling an external Fortran90 subroutine from an OpenFoam application.

1) Declare an interface C function in the main file or in .H file and include it

extern "C"
void fortfunc_(int *ii, double *ff); // underscore is important (gfortran linux)!

When mixing Fortran with C++, name mangling must be prevented. You may use "objdump -t <file>" file: object or library files. In this example the subroutine named as fortfunc in the Fortran 90 code. But it's referred as fortfunc_

2) Compile your Fortran code and obtain object files "*.o". You may link the object files or you may create a static library form object files as follows,

ar rc myPbeLib.a fortfunc.o other.o object.o files.o // specific to Linux system

3) In your solver folder Make/options append -lgfortran (runtime fortran libraries) and your object or library files. If your fortran subroutine call some other routines from other libraries, add them as well. (Last case is not tested. )

EXE_LIBS = -lfiniteVolume\

4) Build your executable with wmake in solver folder.

This approach worked for my prototype problem. However I don't know if this is the best way, most probably NOT. Cyp's suggestion sounds really cool. But, I had a problem with obtaining the shared object files (*.so). I had done it before for a C++ code for boundary conditions. There it had worked very nicely. But with Fortran code I had problems. It doesn't compile the fortran code. If someone can describe how to obtain shared object files for Fortran codes, it will be really cool. Then, we can close this thread with a happy end ;-)

All the best;
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Old   May 6, 2011, 14:46
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Dear all,

I have posted in this thread because it is the closest to the topic of my problem.

I want to code a Hookstep-Newton-Krylov algorithm to find peculiar solutions of the flow with some symmetry properties in a rotating annulus. This algorithm involves OpenFOAM for solving Navier-Stokes equations and additional routines in FORTRAN 90, especially from linear algebra libraries.

I have created a main program in C++ which calls the fortran fsubroutines (here a test case nothing.h. Some of these fortran subroutines call OpenFOAM. I am trying to make interact the main program with the fortran subroutines and OpenFOAM.

I have made a test case where:
-the main program is "icoDHRAFoamEssai.C"
-it calls the fortran function "nothing in "nothing.f90"
-which calls at its turn "integration" in "integration.C" that gathers all the OpenFOAM functions that are dedicated to solve Navier-Stokes equations in my case.

Here you can find some parts of my code.
First the main function in "icoDHRAFoamEssai.C"

#include "fvCFD.H"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //

extern "C" { void nothing_(double* AA, int &lengthAA,int* argvLength, int &argc,char* argvChar, int& argv1StrLength); } 
void integration_(double* AA, int* lengthAA, int& argc);

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
      //commands that I didn't attach here

      nothing_(AA, lengthAA, argvLength, argc, argvChar, argv1StrLength); 

      //some other commands
the subroutine "nothing" is as follows:

subroutine nothing(AA, lengthAA, argvLength, argc, argvChar, argv1StrLength)
integer lengthAA
real*8  AA(lengthAA)
integer argc
integer argvLength(argc)
integer argv1StrLength
character argvChar(argv1StrLength+1)

!some fortran instructions
call integration(AA, lengthAA, argc)

And then "integration" in "integration.C"

void Integration_(double* AA, int* lengthAA,int& argc)
      #   include "setRootCase.H"
      #   include "createTime.H"
      #   include "createMesh.H"
      #   include "readEnvironmentalProperties.H"
      #   include "createFields.H"
      #   include "initContinuityErrs.H"

      Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;
      #   include "readPISOControls.H"
      #   include "CourantNo.H"

      //some instructions that I added
      for (runTime++; !runTime.end(); runTime++)
             //OpenFOAM instructions

      Info<< "End\n" << endl;

      //other instructions

I have first compiled it using the commands:

gfortran -c nothing.f90 -o nothing.o
To link "nothing" with the main code I changed the "Make/options" file in the directory of my project to:


As stated in this thread, I just added the two last lines.
I compile with "wmake"; if I don't call the function "integration" in "nothing.f90", everything goes well. When I call it, I get the error message:

In function `nothing_':
:undefined reference to `integration_'
Then it is most likely because I don't link "integration" to "nothing" and the main program, but I can mistake (I am beginner in OpenFOAM and C++ as well). The problem is that I absolutely don't know how to do this (which commands I have to add to which file to make this work, etc...).

I would be very grateful to anyone who may supply any suggestion.

Nicolas Périnet
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Old   May 30, 2011, 14:14
Default Differences in Library Linking
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Dear All,

I am also going to call a whole list of FORTRAN 90 subroutines from OF (in my case 1.7.1 though). I do this by adding the *.o files to the "objectFiles".

Apparently, as I am reading through this really helpful thread, it seems like there are different methods to do this: static library, dynamic library, static objects, dynamic objects, shared objects, objects, ...

I would appreciate, if someone could comment on the differences of these strategies (efficiency, ease of use, ...). This question came up earlier in the thread but has not been answered.

Thanks guys. Best regards,
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Old   June 29, 2011, 15:51
Default link OF to fortran reading an input file
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Hi All,
did anyone try to link OF with fortran to read from an input file, something like:

integer temp
100 continue

where the input file simply contains an integer, e.g.: "1",
and calling this from an OF application?

If I do this, I am getting a random output for "temp". It does work however, if I link a separate c++ main program and a fortran subroutine... so not sure why OF is causing trouble there...

Any help is appreciated.
Thanks, Andreas
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Old   July 30, 2012, 02:45
Default please tell me ???
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vahid.najafi is an unknown quantity at this point
Hi Dear Nima again:
I want to add surface tension(sigma) in one solver,for this reason I added :
#include ''fvCFD.H''

in this code:
Foam:haseChangeTwoPhaseMixtures::SchnerrSauer: Coeff
const volScalarField& p
) const
volScalarField limitedAlpha1(min(max(alpha1_, scalar(0)), scalar(1)));
volScalarField rho
limitedAlpha1*rho1() + (scalar(1) - limitedAlpha1)*rho2()

//......I want to change it( <<sigma>> surface tension multiple in it):
(3*rho1()*rho2())*sqrt(2/(3*rho1()))* (fvc::interpolate(interface.sigma()))
*rRb(limitedAlpha1)/(rho*sqrt(mag(p - pSat()) + 0.01*pSat()));
//.................................................. ......
dont successful wmake, and seen(was not declared ):
phaseChangeTwoPhaseMixtures/SchnerrSauer/SchnerrSauer.C:113: error: 'interface' was not declared in this scope
make: *** [Make/linux64GccDPOpt/SchnerrSauer.o] Error 1
please help me,and tell me ,How to correct this problem???
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Old   July 30, 2012, 04:46
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Nima Samkhaniani
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dear vahid, instead of multiple posts of the same question, in different place, open new thread! with appropriate title,ask your question there!

it is an inappropriate to ask non-related issue under a post!
and about your problem, i told you here (
you need a background of C++, look at here:
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Old   July 30, 2012, 04:53
Default Thanks
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vahid.najafi is an unknown quantity at this point nima.
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Old   May 7, 2013, 12:56
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Hi pge_cfd,

I am reading your thread and but this solution work well for my testing. But I did not run the following command as you mentioned:

ar rc myPbeLib.a fortfunc.o other.o object.o files.o // specific to Linux system

The coupled code can run well (but this is my simple test and so there is no complex in the fortran code). Could you please tell me what is the role for the
creation of the library?


Originally Posted by pbe_cfd View Post

So, I came up with a solution to my prototype problem. Calling an external Fortran90 subroutine from an OpenFoam application.

1) Declare an interface C function in the main file or in .H file and include it

extern "C"
void fortfunc_(int *ii, double *ff); // underscore is important (gfortran linux)!

When mixing Fortran with C++, name mangling must be prevented. You may use "objdump -t <file>" file: object or library files. In this example the subroutine named as fortfunc in the Fortran 90 code. But it's referred as fortfunc_

2) Compile your Fortran code and obtain object files "*.o". You may link the object files or you may create a static library form object files as follows,

ar rc myPbeLib.a fortfunc.o other.o object.o files.o // specific to Linux system

3) In your solver folder Make/options append -lgfortran (runtime fortran libraries) and your object or library files. If your fortran subroutine call some other routines from other libraries, add them as well. (Last case is not tested. )

EXE_LIBS = -lfiniteVolume\

4) Build your executable with wmake in solver folder.

This approach worked for my prototype problem. However I don't know if this is the best way, most probably NOT. Cyp's suggestion sounds really cool. But, I had a problem with obtaining the shared object files (*.so). I had done it before for a C++ code for boundary conditions. There it had worked very nicely. But with Fortran code I had problems. It doesn't compile the fortran code. If someone can describe how to obtain shared object files for Fortran codes, it will be really cool. Then, we can close this thread with a happy end ;-)

All the best;
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Old   May 17, 2013, 08:53
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The role of creating the library is: you can call the functions/subroutines in the created library once you include the library in your make file before compiling your code. When one needs to use the functions/subroutines of the created library in other applications, she/he includes the library and compile it, and there you are.

Beside this, it was convenient for my purposes. I hope that I could explain it.

All the best,
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Old   July 11, 2013, 15:56
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openfoammaofnepo is on a distinguished road
Hello everybody,

When you use your own thermodynamic library, instead of OF's, do you provide the density from your own thermodynamic library? Or still use the openfoam's default method to update the density ---thermo.rho(). Because I also developed my own fortran thermodyanmic library to provide the density for the OF solver, however, I also have the numerical instabilisty problem. Does anybody have the same problem when you implement your thermodyanmic models?

Thank you very much.


Originally Posted by Cyp View Post
Hi everybody!

I am looking to interface a specific thermodynamic tool with OpenFOAM. This program is written in Fortran. From a Pressure, a temperature and a composition it can provide a density : rho=f(P,T,x)

I wonder how to bound these different programs. I would like to keep the OpenFOAM structure and evaluate the density at each time step with a command as : thermo.rho();

Is anybody already performed such an interfacing ? Can you give some hints to start ? from which thermophysicalModels can I be inspired?

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Old   July 12, 2013, 05:17
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Christian Lucas
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to get an idea how I use the external library, have a look at my water properties library in OpenFOAM ext. (which uses an external library to calculate the fluid propertiess)

Kind Regards,
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Old   June 9, 2014, 15:30
Default Coupling interFoam/interDyMFoam with FORTRAN 90 code
Gautami Erukulla
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Dear All,

I would like to couple mooring cable dynamic code written in FORTRAN 90 to interFoam & interDyMFoam.

For every time step

1.InterFoam/InterDyMFoam solves for numerical wave tank.Based on the current wave field,the solver should provide velocities and accelerations at particular grid points (at mooring cable positions)as an input to the mooring cable code.
2.Based on these velocities and accelerations, the mooring cable fortran code solves for the tensions in the mooring cable and provides the tension at the fairlead point(particular grid point) as an input to the solver.

Kindly can somebody please explain how I could perform this dynamic coupling between OpenFOAM and FORTRAN 90.

Thank you.

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