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[Other] Support for the USB-stick image and Virtual Machine Appliance for the OFW11

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Old   February 13, 2016, 17:49
Default Support for the USB-stick image and Virtual Machine Appliance for the OFW11
Retired Super Moderator
Bruno Santos
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Greetings to all!

I'm starting this thread for the support of the USB-stick image and the Virtual Machine Appliance that have been created for the

A complete wiki page with sub-pages has been created for detailing all of the steps taken for creating and deploying this image and is currently available here:

The list of software made (and planned to be) available on these is listed on the chapter 2 "Software provided with the disk image(s)" of the User Guide that was written for this Workshop.

Now, it depends on which one you want to use:
  1. If you want to write the USB-stick image in a real physical USB drive with at least 8GB of capacity, in which you are willing to delete everything you have inside that USB drive, then please follow these steps:
    1. Follow the instructions written here: - namely starting from the chapter 2 "Cloning the image to a new stick".
    2. Once you've successfully burned the image into a USB drive, follow the instructions given on the User Guide page:
  2. If want to not risk having to go through a lengthy process of burning the image onto a USB drive, then you can instead use the Virtual Machine Appliance in VirtualBox, which should work on any 64-bit machine:
    1. Start reading the User Guide:
    2. When you reach the chapter 3 "Booting", choose the section 3.3 "Booting without USB-stick and with Virtual Machine Appliance".
Beyond this, please keep in mind that:
  • If you have any problems with either one of these solutions, please let me/us know on this support thread you are currently reading
  • In addition, check the Frequently Asked Questions page, just in case you don't want to read the posts below, before asking your question.
  • At the time of this writing, the image/VM version was v3 and will be updated (hopefully) at least once a month to sync up with the latest OpenFOAM 3.0.x and foam-extend 3.2-nextRelease changes, along with the addition a more software.

Best regards,
Bruno and the Local Organising Committee of the OFW11
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Old   July 18, 2016, 20:41
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Danny Jierian
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is there any way to install this on an existing virtual box? I would like to demo the HELYX OS beta, and am having trouble installing the workshop files with enough hard drive space to make it useful.


EDIT: I have solved this issue. Feel free to PM me if you need help

Last edited by djierian; August 2, 2016 at 15:23.
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Old   August 7, 2016, 18:50
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Bruno Santos
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Quick answer: Sorry for the late reply. You could mount the USB stick image using a loop, it's just a matter of Googling for:
mount image file on linux
Then mount the squashed image file from the mounted drive like this:
mount /cdrom/HELYX-OS.sqfs /home/lubuntu/OpenFOAM/HELYX-OS -t squashfs -o loop,ro
Sorry for not providing more details sooner nor now, but I haven't managed to take a better look into this, since this mode of operation wasn't planned for the workshop
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